Home 5 Initiatives 5 Housing


The lack of housing in the Wimmera Southern Mallee inhibits growth, liveability and economic strength. Wimmera Southern Mallee Development is working on a range of initiatives that address affordable housing opportunities, as well as rental and short-term accommodation.



The Housing Blueprint 

WSM Development is projecting a 1.9% regional population growth over the next 15 years, highlighting a need for innovative housing and regional infrastructure solutions to support this growth target.

This report is a valuable step forward in addressing the region’s housing crisis.

Community co-ops

Community co-ops in the Wimmera Southern Mallee are planning to build more houses in response to the accommodation shortage.

Minyip Housing Innovations Pty Ltd and Murtoa Housing Innovations Pty Ltd are owned by local community shareholders and Wimmera Housing Innovations is a company under WSM Development.

Two separate dwellings, as well as three double-storey townhouses, are planned for Minyip and two houses are planned for Murtoa.

By developing new, modern homes in our rural areas, we can retain local people and attract new residents to live, work and play…a big step towards building sustainable rural communities!

For more information, please contact Binesh Tholath at binesh.tholath@wsm.org.au


Short-term accommodation for new employees

Finding a house when you are new to the Wimmera Southern Mallee (WSM) region can be a challenge.

The area has the highest non-real estate agent (“informal”) housing rental market in the state. If you are an employer or an employee part of a small to medium WSM business, have you considered local accommodation businesses for the first weeks or months?

WSMD has identified over 30 motels across the region who would welcome a block booking for a few months.