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Wimmera Southern Mallee Development works across a number of projects to address workforce shortage needs in the region through a range of migration, training and recruitment support and initiatives.

‘Accessing Latent Care Industry Workforce’ project

The project aims to understand what ‘latent’ workforce capacity is in our region with regards to the aged care, disability, community services and early childhood education sectors, and what barriers people are facing accessing training.

Together, WSMD and Federation Uni are delivering free and flexible training and finding ways to break barriers to training or re-entering the workforce such as childcare and transport.

The project outcomes are focused on responding to the region’s low population growth, low unemployment numbers and a need to develop and maintain the local care workforce.

Please click for more information.


Regional Certifying Body

WSMD provides advice to Department of Home Affairs confirming that the terms and conditions of employment applicable to the position will be no less favorable than the terms and conditions that are provided to, or would be provided to, an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident for performing work in the person’s workplace at the same location.

Please click for more information.


Skillselect is an online service that ​helps Australia manage its skilled migration program. It helps to ensure that the skilled migration program is based on Australia’s economic needs. It supports the government in managing who can apply for skilled migration, when they can apply and in what numbers. As a result, the time taken to process a visa application is significantly reduced.

Skillselect also helps address regional skill shortages. Skillselect allows intending migrants to indicate if they are willing to live and work in regional Australia. This is of particular benefit to employers experiencing regional skill shortages and state and territory governments attempting to settle migrants in regional Australia.
